The budgets presented this week will be nonsense.
Both political parties, Democrat and Republican, are going to present budget proposals that are D.O.A. What is the point of proposing something that offers no compromise? The...
View ArticleDear Paul Ryan
This is a letter from a large majority of the American people. We REJECTED your ideals in the last election. We told you with our votes what we thought of your policies. There is not one way...
View ArticlePaul Ryans budget, more of the same.
The Republican budget proposal for fiscal year 2014 purports to balance the budget in 10 years. With a stronger economy and new revenues from the fiscal cliff deal, the task of balancing...
View ArticleCongress is unhappy with Sequester. News Flash so are we.
With a government shutdown pending, Democrats and Republicans alike are filing amendments to the Sequester, a hundred or so. The Sequester which was a fail safe to force both parties to...
View ArticlePresident Obama’s budget is a smart move.
Since President Obama gave his budget speech lawmakers, Republican and Democrats alike have been taking shots at him. Democrats, especially liberals, feel that he us throwing the baby...
View ArticleIf Republicans want answer for Benghazi, maybe they should look at their own...
House Republicans vote to reduce funds allocated to the state department for Embassy security since they won the majority in 2010. For the last several years Republicans have continued to...
View ArticleDespite Republicans best efforts to scandalize President Obama, they keep...
President Obama does not have any friends in the Republican party. Republicans seem to despise him. They wanted to start impeachment precedings 7 weeks into his first term. 7 weeks!...
View ArticleThe Senate votes yes to extend corporate welfare to Tobacco Growers and no to...
The Senate voted down an amendment by Kristen Gillibrand (D-Ny) to restore $4.1 billion in Food Stamp cuts, by reducing corporate welfare to a handful of crop insurance companies, mostly...
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